Saturday, December 1, 2007


We had a great Thanksgiving. Mom, Dad, Jake and Jaimie came to Ohio. We had been looking forward to it since the summer. They only had a little set back in Chicago on their way to Cleveland but they made it. It was such a blessing to have them here for the holiday. Mom and I cooked a huge meal on Thursday and we all just enjoyed hanging out. It was fun being able to show them Cuyahoga Falls and the surrounding areas. Everyone but Jaimie seemed to get along well with Henry. Jaimie did not like him at all in the beginning but on the last night she seemed to be warming up to him. The funny thing was that Henry really listened to my Mom. He would be doing something bad and she would pick him up and talk to him and for the most part he would stop or move on to something else :) We are so thankful that they were able to come and spend the holiday with us. We can't wait to see them soon.


Here is our newest little family member. Henry is now 9 weeks old and weights 13.2 pounds. When we got him he was 6 weeks and weighted 7.6 pounds. He loves to eat! Henry has a great personality and likes to play. He is still learning where he is suppose to go to the bathroom but he is getting better. He also loves to bite and pull on things. This a bad habit that we hope he grows out of :) Matt and Henry are best buddies. When Henry hears Matt start to open the door he runs to the door. Matt has been really good with him. He gets up with him in the middle of the night when he needs to go out, no matter the time or weather. Henry also knows that he can pretty much get away with anything when Matt is watching him. I have become the "bad cop" and Matt is the fun guy. Makes me a little worried about when we have kids :)Henry has been a great addition to our little family. We are excited about all the fun memories we are going to make with Henry. We will keep you posted on the adventures of Henry.

Long overdue update

Wow, it has been a long time since we have updated everyone. Where to start...well Matt finished his Internal Medicine and Psychiatry rotation and he is now on his Surgery rotation. He has had a lot of really neat opportunities. I was able to find a job. I'm working at a Hospital in Akron as a Guest Services Associate, which means that I am working on raising the patient satisfaction scores on the Oncology floor. I'm really liking the patient interaction and I'm learning how to work with all of the nurses :) Another exciting thing that has happen in our lives is that we got a puppy. He is an english bulldog and his name is Henry. He is really cute! Everything is going really well and we can't believe how fast time is flying.